Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interrupted by Emily's abusive boyfriend, Lauren snaps and brutally beats Daniel. Lauren is then sentenced to a girls' reform camp Paradise Ridge, nestled in the mountains of California. But this reform camp turns out to be a corrupt and twisted prison that breaks young girls and keeps parents in the dark .With the help of Rebecca, a strong and provocative young woman whom Lauren befriends, the two escape the unsafe facility and fight for their lives out in the Utah wilderness; a journey of growth, acceptance and resilience of what they believe is right.


  1. 1假大侠 2.0
  2. 2末日终结者 6.0
  3. 3汉诺瓦街 4.0
  4. 4智深传 10.0
  5. 5龙虎列传 8.0
  6. 6钢铁黎明 5.0
  7. 7爱有天定 6.0
  8. 8火烧摩天楼 5.0
  9. 9为了正义 7.0
  10. 10豪情盖天 2.0
  11. 11情陷曼哈顿 10.0
  12. 12捕风捉影 6.0
  13. 13极限特工2 4.0
  14. 14爆炸新闻2021 1.0
  15. 15飓风奇劫2018 6.0
  16. 16美国劫案 4.0
  17. 17八万罪人粤语 1.0
  18. 18解药惊魂记 7.0
  19. 19双星赶月 9.0
  20. 20特洛伊2004 4.0
  21. 21神枪七蛟龙 3.0
  22. 22要敌 10.0
  23. 23虎穴群雄 8.0
  24. 24龙传说:影子的诅咒 4.0
  25. 25白骨之路 1.0
  26. 26咏春小龙 1.0
  27. 27焦土作战 5.0
  28. 28骏马奥斯温5 5.0
  29. 29本德尔:起点 3.0
  30. 30马戏小子 6.0